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Gravothermal Evolution of Velocity-Dependent Self-interacting Halos in the Small-Mean-Free-Path Regime
Sophia Gad-Nasr University of California - Irvine (USA)
In realistic particle physics models with large self-interaction cross-sections, halos undergoing gravothermal collapse are driven into the short-mean-free-path (SMFP) regime. We discuss the structure of the SMFP core, the new scaling relations, and how they depend on the particle physics model. We show a new approximate universality for the first time that allows for better predictions in the SMFP regime. These results are essential for comparing core collapsed halos to observational data and for estimating the masses of the black holes that are likely to be left in the cores of self-interacting dark matter halos.
Date and Time
December 8 2022 10pm KST (= 1am UTC) Zoom link (active once the seminar starts)