Welcome to CosKASI
News at CosKASI
- The cosmology group invites applications for two postdoctoral researcher positions to start in 2025 (deadline: 22 December 2024).
- Benedict Bahr-Kalus received the Best Post-Doc Award at KASI foundation day 2023.
- Christoph Saulder appeared in a video produced by Cosmology talks, discussing the recent work on the first BAO detection with DESI using just two months of data.
- Sungwook Hong appeared in a video produced by MoreScience's Unrealscience, discussing the recent works on galactic habitability (here and here).
- Sungwook Hong appeared in a video produced by YTN Science’s “I’ll Hear the Stars”, discussing the existence of the multiverse and the dark energy.
- Satadru Bag received the Best Post-Doc Award at KASI foundation day 2022.
- Hanwool Koo received the Best Student Publication Award at KASI foundation day 2022.
Past Workshops and Events
- 9th Korea Japan-Workshop on Dark Energy, hosted at Yonsei and supported by KASI, November 14 - 18 (2022)
- DESI Korea local workshop, hosted at KASI, June 3 (2022)
- 7th Korea Japan-Workshop on Dark Energy, hosted at KASI, December 7 - 10 (2020)
- 6th Korea-Japan Workshop on Dark Energy, Nagoya University, December 3 - 6 (2019)
- CosKASI-ICG-NAOC-YITP Workshop , KASI, September 23-27 (2019).
- CosKASI conference III “The Correlated Universe”, Jeju, April 23-27 (2019).
- EAO Subaru Science Workshop 2019, KASI, January 16-18 (2019).
- 5th Korea-Japan Workshop on Dark Energy, KASI, Aug. 6-10 (2018)
- 4th Korea-Japan Workshop on Dark Energy, Nagoya University, Aug. 28 - 30 (2017)
- CosKASI conference II "Cosmological Quests for the Next Decade" Apr 17 - 21 (2017)
- CosKASI-ICG-NAOC-YITP Workshop Sep 5-9 (2016)
- Future Sky Surveys and Big Data, April 25-29 (2016)
- 3rd Korea-Japan Workshop on Dark Energy, April 4-8 (2016)
First Mover Research Group
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute has initiated the FMRG Program in 2015 for the promotion of research groups which are aiming to perform pionneering research of world-class level. CosKASI was appointed as the first FMRG in 2015, and be awarded with the total $6M research support for 9 years from 2015 to 2022.
Participation in DESI (Dark Energy Spectrocopy Instrument)

The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) will measure the effect of dark energy on the expansion of the universe. It will obtain optical spectra for tens of millions of galaxies and quasars, constructing a 3-dimensional map spanning the nearby universe to 10 billion light years.
DESI will be conducted on the Mayall 4-meter telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory starting in 2018. DESI is supported by the Department of Energy Office of Science to perform this Stage IV dark energy measurement using baryon acoustic oscillations and other techniques that rely on spectroscopic measurements.
Cosmology group at KASI plans to take part in DESI as an associated member institute. We provide an apportunity for young researchers to meet challenges for next decades.