

Title Journal Authors
21 Primordial non-Gaussianity systematics from redshift mismatch with SPHEREx [2412.03078] Chandra Shekhar Saraf* and David Parkinson
20 Model-independent cosmology with joint observations of gravitational waves and gamma-ray bursts [2411.02490] A. Cozzumbo, U. Dupletsa, R. Calderon, R. Murgia, G. Oganesyan and M. Branchesi
19 On the implications of the `cosmic calibration tension' beyond H0 and the synergy between early- and late-time new physics [2407.18292] V. Poulin, T. L. Smith, R. Calderon and T. Simon
18 Modified Gravity Constraints from the Full Shape Modeling of Clustering Measurements from DESI 2024 [2411.12026] M. Ishak et al. (in total 70 authors including K. Lodha. R. Calderon, A. Shafieloo)
17 DESI 2024 VII: Cosmological Constraints from the Full-Shape Modeling of Clustering Measurements [2411.12022] A.G Adame et al. (in total 212 authors including K. Lodha, W. Matthewson, A. Shafieloo, R. Calderon)
16 DESI 2024 V: Full-Shape Galaxy Clustering from Galaxies and Quasars [2411.12021] A.G Adame et al. (in total 198 authors including K. Lodha, R. Calderon)
15 DESI 2024 II: Sample Definitions, Characteristics, and Two-point Clustering Statistics [2411.12020] A.G Adame et al. (in total 202 authors including K. Lodha, R. Calderon)
14 Cross-correlating the EMU Pilot Survey 1 with CMB lensing: Constraints on cosmology and galaxy bias with harmonic-space power spectra [2411.05913] K. Tanidis et al. (in total 11 authors including C. S. Saraf, D. Parkinson)
13 The Redshift-Space Momentum Power Spectrum III: measuring the growth rate from the SDSSv survey using auto- and cross- power spectrum of the galaxy density and momentum fields [2411.09571] Fei Qin, Cullan Howlett, David Parkinson
12 The Impact from Galaxy Groups on Cosmological Measurements with Type Ia Supernovae [2408.14560] E. R. Peterson et al. (in total 12 authors including A. Carr)
11 Star-Crossed Labours: Checking Consistency Between Current Supernova Compilations [2409.02550] W. L. Matthewson*, A. Shafieloo
10 DESI 2024: Constraints on Physics-Focused Aspects of Dark Energy using DESI DR1 BAO Data [2405.13588] Kushal Lodha*, Arman Shafieloo, R. Calderon, E. Linder et al (48 authors in total)
9 A comparison of effective field theory models of redshift space galaxy power spectra for DESI 2024 and future surveys [2404.07272] M. Maus, Y. Lai, H. E. Noriega, S. Ramirez-Solano, M. Icaza-Lizaola +57 more
8 Full Modeling and Parameter Compression Methods in configuration space for DESI 2024 and beyond [2404.07268] S. Ramirez-Solano, M. Icaza-Lizaola*, H. E. Noriega, M. Vargas-Magaña, S. Fromenteau, A. Aviles, F. Rodriguez-Martinez +53 more
7 DESI 2024 VI: Cosmological Constraints from the Measurements of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations [2404.03002] A.G. Adame et al. (in total 201 authors including R. Calderón, K. Lodha, A. Shafieloo)
6 DESI 2024 IV: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from the Lyman Alpha Forest [2404.030001] A.G. Adame et al. (in total 198 authors including R. Calderón, K. Lodha)
5 DESI 2024 III: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from Galaxies and Quasars [2404.03000] A.G. Adame et al. (in total 195 authors including R. Calderón, K. Lodha)
4 Model Independent Reconstruction of Galaxy Stellar Velocity Map [2311.00030] Mikhail Denissenya, Eric V. Linder, Sangwoo Park, Arman Shafieloo, Satadru Bag
3 NANCY: Next-generation All-sky Near-infrared Community surveY [2306.11784] J. J. Han et al. (in total 209 authors including B. Bahr-Kalus, R. Calderón, D. Parkinson, A. Shafieloo)
2 MulGuisin, a Topological Clustering Algorithm, and Its Performance as a Cosmic Structure Finder [2301.03278] Young Ju, Inkyu Park, Cristiano G. Sabiu, Sungwook E. Hong
1 An Analysis of Variance of the Pantheon+ Dataset: Systematics in the Covariance Matrix? [2212.07917] Ryan Keeley, Arman Shafieloo, Benjamin L'Huillier

Journal Publications 2024

Title Journal Authors
32 Examining the local Universe isotropy with galaxy cluster velocity dispersion scaling relations A&A, 691, A355 (2024)
A. Pandya et al. (in total 10 authors including Sangwoo Park)
31 Model independent approach for calculating galaxy rotation curves for low S/N MaNGA galaxies JCAP 11 (2024) 037
Sangwoo Park, Arman Shafieloo*, Satadru Bag, Mikhail Denissenya, Eric V. Linder, Adarsh Ranjan
30 JWST Validates HST Distance Measurements: Selection of Supernova Subsample Explains Differences in JWST Estimates of Local H0 ApJ 977 (2024) 1, 120
A. Riess et al. (in total 19 authors including Anthony Carr)
29 Exploring the discrepancy between Planck PR3 and ACT DR4 JCAP 12 (2024) 038
D. K. Hazra, B. Beringue, J. Errard, A. Shafieloo, G. F. Smoot
28 Emergence of the Galaxy Morphology-Star Formation Activity-Clustercentric Radius Relations in Galaxy Clusters ApJ 977 (2024) 2, 183
Sungwook E. Hong, et al. (in total 10 authors)
27 The angular correlation function as measured by the GLEAM-X survey PASA 41 (2024), e070
Brandon Venville, David Parkinson, Natasha Hurley-Walker, Tim Galvin, Kathryn Ross
26 High precision accelerator for our hybrid model of the redshift space power spectrum MNRAS 535 (2024), 1, 588
M. Icaza-Lizaola*, Yong-Seon Song*, Minji Oh, Yi Zheng
25 Full Shape Cosmology Analysis from BOSS in configuration space using Neural Network Acceleration JCAP 08 (2024) 049
Sadi Ramirez, M. Icaza-Lizaola, Sebastien Fromenteau, Mariana Vargas-Magaña, Alejandro Aviles
24 PROVABGS: The Probabilistic Stellar Mass Function of the BGS One-Percent Survey ApJ 963 (2024) 1, 56
C. Hahn et al. (in total 36 authors including C. Saulder)
23 Detection of an orthogonal alignment between parsec scale AGN jets and their host galaxies Nat Astron (2024)
D. Fernández Gil, J. A. Hodgson, B. L'Huillier, J. Asorey, C. Saulder, K. Finner, M. J. Jee, D. Parkinson, F. Combes
22 The MOST Hosts Survey: spectroscopic observation of the host galaxies of ~40,000 transients using DESI ApJS 2024 275 22
M. T. Soumagnac et al. (in total 57 authors including D. Parkinson)
21 DESI 2024: Reconstructing Dark Energy using Crossing Statistics with DESI DR1 BAO data JCAP 10 (2024) 048
R. Calderon, K. Lodha, A. Shafieloo*, E. Linder, W. Sohn et al (in total 55 authors including also W. Matthewson, S. Park)
21 Detecting unresolved lensed SNe Ia in LSST using blended light curves A&A, 691, A100 (2024)
S. Bag et al. (in total 13 authors including K. Lodha and A. Shafieloo)
20 Searching for Cosmological Collider in the Planck CMB Data JCAP 09 (2024) 016
W. Sohn*, D-G Wang, J. R. Fergusson, E. P. Shellard
19 CMB bispectrum constraints on DHOST inflation JCAP 04 (2024) 071
W. Sohn*, A. Lazanu, P. Brax, J. R. Fergusson
18 WiFeS observations of nearby southern Type Ia supernova host galaxies PASA 41 (2024), e068
Anthony Carr*, T. M. Davis, R. Camilleri, C. Lidman, K. C. Freeman, D. Scolnic
17 Effect of redshift bin mismatch on the cross correlation between the DESI Legacy Imaging Survey and the Planck CMB lensing potential A&A, 690, A338 (2024)
Chandra Shekhar Saraf*, Pawel Bielewicz, Michal Chodorowski
16 Inference of cosmological models with principal component analysis J. Astrophys. Astr. (2024) 45:24
Ranbir Sharma*, H K Jassal
15 Local primordial non-Gaussianity from the large-scale clustering of photometric DESI luminous red galaxies MNRAS 532 (2024) 2, 1902
M. Rezaie et al. (in total 48 authors including B. Bahr-Kalus)
14 Final parsec problem of black hole mergers and ultralight dark matter PLB 856, (2024), 138908
Hyeonmo Koo, Dongsu Bak, Inkyu Park, Sungwook E. Hong, Jaw-Weon Lee
13 The Early Data Release of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument AJ, 168 (2024), 58
DESI Collaboration: A. G. Adame et al (in total 261 authors, alphabetical, including D. Parkinson, C. Saulder and A. Shafieloo)
12 Tomographic cross correlations between galaxy surveys and the CMB gravitational lensing potential. Effect of the redshift bin mismatch. A&A, 687, A150 (2024)
Chandra Shekhar Saraf*, Pawel Bielewicz
11 Reconstructing the Universe: The Environmental Dependence of the Stellar Mass - Gas Metallicity Relation in Horizon Run 5 MNRAS 531 (2024) 4, 3858-3875
Aeron R. Rowntree et al. (14 authors incl. Sungwook E. Hong)
10 Merger-tree-based Galaxy Matching: A Comparative Study across Different Resolutions ApJ 965 (2024) 2, 156
Minyong Jung, Ji-hoon Kim, Boon Kiat Oh, Sungwook E. Hong, Jaehyun Lee, Juhan Kim
9 SN 2020udy: A new piece of the homogeneous bright group in the diverse Iax subclass 2024, ApJ, 965, 73
Mridweeka Singh et al (in total 26 authors including Hyobin Im)
8 Searching for Local Features in Primordial Power Spectrum using Genetic Algorithms MNRAS 530, 2, 1424-1435
K. Lodha, L. Pinol, S. Nesseris, A. Shafieloo*, W. Sohn and Matteo Fasiello
7 Deblurring the early Universe: reconstruction of primordial power spectrum from Planck CMB using image analysis techniques JCAP 03 (2024) 056
Wuhyun Sohn, Arman Shafieloo, Dhiraj Kumar Hazra
6 The effects of non-linearity on the growth rate constraint from velocity correlation functions MNRAS 529 (2024) 4, 4787-4802
Motonari Tonegawa, Stephen Appleby, Changbom Park, Sungwook E. Hong, Juhan Kim
5 Validation of the Scientific Program for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument AJ (2024) 167, 62
DESI Collaboration: A. G. Adame et al (in total 261 authors, alphabetical, including D. Parkinson, C. Saulder and A. Shafieloo)
4 Planetary Complexity Revealed by the Joint Differential Entropy of Eigencolours AJ 167 114 (2024)
Gary Segal, David Parkinson*, Stuart Bartlett
3 A Model-independent Method to Determine H0 Using Time-delay Lensing, Quasars, and Type Ia Supernovae ApJ 960 (2024) 103
X. Li, R. Keeley, A. Shafieloo, and K. Liao
2 Modeling Cosmological Perturbations of Thermal Inflation CQG 41 (2024) 1, 015024
Jeong-Myeong Bae, Sungwook E. Hong, Heeseung Zoe
1 Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer exposure time calculator for end-to-end simulator: to optimizing spectrograph design and observing simulation JATIS 10 (2024) 1, 018001
Tae-Geun Ji et al. (in total 11 authors including Minggyeong Yang, Sungwook E. Hong)

Journal Publications 2023

Title Journal Authors
37 The DESI One-Percent survey: exploring the Halo Occupation Distribution of Emission Line Galaxies with AbacusSummit simulations JCAP 10 (2023), 016
A. Rocher et al. (in total 53 authors including F. Qin)
36 The Universe is worth $64^3$ pixels: Convolution Neural Network and Vision Transformers for Cosmology JCAP 11 (2023), 075
Se-Yeon Hwang, Cristiano G. Sabiu, Inkyu Park, Sungwook E. Hong
35 Cosmological Parameter Constraints from the SDSS Density and Momentum Power Spectra ApJ 958 (2023) 2, 180
Stephen Appleby, Motonari Tonegawa, Changbom Park, Sungwook E. Hong, Juhan Kim, Yongmin Yoon
34 The galaxy number density profile of halos ApJ 957 (2023) 1, 40
Fei Qin*, David Parkinson, Adam R. H. Stevens, Cullan Howlett
33 Testing ΛCDM with eBOSS data using a model independent diagnostic Phys. Rev. D 108, 083505
Arman Shafieloo, Sangwoo Park*, Varun Sahni, Alexei A. Starobinsky
32 Exoplanets and habitability PKAS 38 (2023) 2, 13
Sungwook E. Hong , Ryun Young Kwon, Yunjong Kim, Hyunwoo Kang, Minsun Kim
31 The prospect of interstellar object explorations for searching life in cosmos PKAS 38 (2023) 2, 25
Minsun Kim, Ryun Young Kwon, Thiem Hoang, Sungwook E. Hong
30 Search for biosignature in the solar system PKAS 38 (2023) 2, 37
Minsun Kim, Sun-Ju Chung, Min-Su Shin,Sungwook E. Hong
29 Search for radio technosignature from the farside of the Moon PKAS 38 (2023) 2, 59
Minsun Kim,Sungwook E. Hong, Taehyun Jung, Hyunwoo Kang, Min-Su Shin, Bong Won Sohn
28 Search for technosignature PKAS 38 (2023) 2, 75
Sungwook E. Hong, Bong Won Sohn, Taehyun Jung, Min-Su Shin, Hyunwoo Kang, Minsun Kim
27 Detecting interstellar objects by using space weather data PKAS 38 (2023) 2, 91
Ryun Young Kwon, Minsun Kim, Sungwook E. Hong, Thiem Hoang
26 Ruling Out New Physics at Low Redshift as a solution to the H0 Tension Phys. Rev. Lett. 131 (2023), 111002
Ryan E. Keeley, Arman Shafieloo*
25 High-resolution CMB bispectrum estimator with flexible modal basis Phys. Rev. D 108, 063504
W. Sohn*, J. R. Fergusson, E. P. S. Shellard
24 Validation of semi-analytical, semi-empirical covariance matrices for two-point correlation function for Early DESI data MNRAS 524 (2023) 3, 3894–3911
M. Rashkovetskyi et. al (in total 37 authors including C. Saulder)
23 Synthetic light cone catalogues of modern redshift and weak lensing surveys with AbacusSummit MNRAS 525 (2023) 3, 4367–4387
B. Hadzhiyska et. al (in total 35 authors including C. Saulder)
22 First Detection of the BAO signal from Early DESI Data MNRAS 525 (2023) 4, 5406–5422
J. Moon et al (in total 61 authors including C. Saulder)
21 A data compression and optimal galaxy weights scheme for Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument and weak lensing datasets MNRAS 525 (2023) 3, 3865–3878
R. Ruggeri et al (in total 26 authors including C. Saulder)
20 Target Selection for the DESI Peculiar Velocity Survey MNRAS 525 (2023) 1106-1125
C. Saulder et al (in total 38 authors including F. Qin)
19 Performance of the Quasar Spectral Templates for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument AJ 166 (2023) 66
A. Brodzeller et. al (in total 46 authors including C. Saulder)
18 On the consistency of LCDM with CMB measurements in light of the latest Planck, ACT, and SPT data JCAP08 (2023) 059
Rodrigo Calderon*, Arman Shafieloo, Dhiraj Kumar Hazra, Wuhyun Sohn
17 Tomographic Alcock-Paczynski Test with Redshift-Space Correlation Function: Evidence for the Dark Energy Equation of State Parameter w>-1 ApJ 953 (2023) 1, 98
Fuyu Dong, Changbom Park, Sungwook E. Hong, Juhan Kim, Ho Seong Hwang, Hyunbae Park, Stephen Appleby
16 Observational properties of a bright type Iax SN2018cni and a faint type Iax SN 2020kyg ApJ 953 (2023), 93
Mridweeka Singh et al (in total 32 authors including Hyobin Im)
15 Cluster-counterpart Voids: Void Identification from Galaxy Density Field ApJ 952 (2023) 1,59
Junsup Shim, Changbom Park, Juhan Kim, Sungwook E. Hong
14 Measurement of the matter-radiation equality scale using the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey Quasar Sample MNRAS 524 (2023) 2, 2463-2476
B. Bahr-Kalus*, D. Parkinson*, E.-M. Mueller
13 Reconstructing the cosmological density and velocity fields from redshifted galaxy distributions using V-net JCAP 06 (2023) 062
Fei Qin, David Parkinson, Sungwook E. Hong, Cristiano G. Sabiu
12 Joint reconstructions of growth and expansion histories from stage-IV surveys with minimal assumptions. II. Modified gravity and massive neutrinos Phys. Rev. D 108, 023504
Rodrigo Calderón*, Benjamin L'Huillier, David Polarski, Arman Shafieloo, Alexei A. Starobinsky
11 DESI Bright Galaxy Survey: Final Target Selection, Design, and Validation AJ 165 (2023) 6, 253
C. Hahn et al (in total 60 authors including C. Saulder)
10 Harnessing Unresolved Lensed Quasars: The Mathematical Foundation of the Fluctuation Curves ApJ 950 (2023), 158
Satadru Bag, Wuhyun Sohn, Arman Shafieloo*, Kai Liao
9 Cosmic gas highways in C-EAGLE simulations A&A 673 (2023) A62
Indrek Vurm, Jukka Nevalainen, Sungwook E. Hong, Yannick M. Bahé, Claudio Dalla Vecchia, Pekka Heinämäki
8 The shape distribution of superclusters in SDSS DR 12 MNRAS 521 (2023), 4712-4730
Satadru Bag*, Lauri Juhan Liivamägi and Maret Einsato
7 Estimating the feasibility of 'standard speed-gun' distances MNRAS Letters 521 (2023), L44-L47
Jeffrey A. Hodgson, Benjamin L'Huillier, Ioannis Liodakis, Sang-Sung Lee, Arman Shafieloo
6 Discordances in cosmology and the violation of slow-roll inflationary dynamics Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 111001
Akhil Antony, Fabio Finelli, Dhiraj Kumar Hazra, Arman Shafieloo
5 Identifying anomalous radio sources in the EMU Pilot Survey using a complexity-based approach MNRAS 521 (2023), 1429-1447
Gary Segal, David Parkinson* et al. (15 authors in total)
4 How to use GP: Effects of the mean function and hyperparameter selection on Gaussian Process regression JCAP 02(2023) 014
Seung-gyu Hwang, Benjamin L'Huillier, Ryan E. Keeley, M. James Jee, Arman Shafieloo
3 The DESI Survey Validation: Results from Visual Inspection of Bright Galaxies, Luminous Red Galaxies, and Emission Line Galaxies ApJ 943 (2023) 48
T. Lan et al (in total 82 authors including D. Parkinson and C. Saulder)
2 A sparse regression approach for populating dark matter halos and subhalos with galaxies MNRAS 518 (2023) 2, 2903-2920
M. Icaza-Lizaola , Richard G. Bower, Peder Norberg, Shaun Cole, Matthieu Schaller
1 Constraining Cosmic Inflation with Observations: Prospects for 2030 MNRAS 520 (2023) 2, 2405-2416
Benedict Bahr-Kalus, David Parkinson, Richard Easther

Journal Publications 2022

Title Journal Authors
19 Overview of the Instrumentation for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument AJ (2022) 164 207D
B. Abareshi et al. (in total 267 authors including C. Saulder)
18 Distinguishing reionization models using the largest cluster statistics of the 21-cm maps JCAP 11(2022) 027
A. Pathak, Satadru Bag*, Saswata Dasgupta, S. Majumdar, R. Mondal, Md. Kamran, P. Sarkar
17 Joint reconstructions of growth and expansion histories from stage-IV surveys with minimal assumptions I: Dark Energy beyond Λ Phys. Rev. D 106, 083513
Rodrigo Calderón*, Benjamin L'Huillier, David Polarski, Arman Shafieloo, Alexei A. Starobinsky
16 One spectrum to cure them all: Signature from early Universe solves major anomalies and tensions in cosmology JCAP 08(2022) 063
Dhiraj Kumar Hazra, Akhil Antony, Arman Shafieloo
15 HI HOD -- I. The Halo Occupation Distribution of HI Galaxies ApJ 937 (2022) 2 , 113
F. Qin*, C. Howlett, Adam R. H. Stevens and D. Parkinson
14 Running primordial perturbations: Inflationary dynamics and observational constraints Phys.Rev.D 106 (2022) 6, L061301
R. Easther, B. Bahr-Kalus, D. Parkinson
13 A measurement of the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect with the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey MNRAS 517 (2022) 3, 3785-3803
Benedict Bahr-Kalus*, David Parkinson*, Jacobo Asorey, Stefano Camera, Catherine Hale, Fei Qin
12 An exposure time calculator for the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer Proc. SPIE 12189 (2022), 121892N
Tae-Geun Ji et al. (11 authors; incl. Sungwook E. Hong)
11 On The Distribution of Bayesian Evidences MNRAS 515 (2022) 1, 293
Ryan E. Keeley and Arman Shafieloo*
10 The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Peculiar Velocity Catalogue MNRAS 515 (2022) 1, 953
Cullan Howlett, Khaled Said, John R. Lucey, Matthew Colless, Fei Qin, Yan Lai, R. Brent Tully, Tamara M. Davis
9 Machine-guided Exploration and Calibration of Astrophysical Simulations MNRAS 515, 693-705 (2022)
Boon Kiat Oh, Hongjun An, Eun-jin Shin, Ji-hoon Kim, Sungwook E. Hong
8 A novel approach for calculating galaxy rotation curves using spaxel cross-correlation and iterative smoothing MNRAS 514, 2278–2297 (2022)
Satadru Bag, Arman Shafieloo*, Rory Smith, Haeun Chung, Eric V. Linder, Changbom Park, Y. Sultan Abylkairov, Khalykbek Yelshibekov
7 Cosmology Intertwined: A Review of the Particle Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology Associated with the Cosmological Tensions and Anomalies J. High En. Astrophys. 2204, 002 (2022)
E. Abdalla et al. (including Arman Shafieloo)
6 Nested sampling for physical scientists Nat Rev Methods Primers 2, 39 (2022) G. Ashton et al, (23 in total, including David Parkinson)
5 Minkowski functionals of SDSS-III BOSS: Hints of possible anisotropy in the density field? ApJ 928 (2022)2, 108
Stephen Appleby, Changbom Park, Pratyush Pranav, Sungwook E. Hong, Ho Seong Hwang, Juhan Kim, Thomas Buchert
4 Identifying lensed quasars and measuring their time-delays from unresolved light curves ApJ 927 (2022) 191
Satadru Bag, Arman Shafieloo*, Kai Liao, Tommaso Treu
3 Bayesian vs Frequentist: Comparing Bayesian model selection with a frequentist approach using the iterative smoothing method JCAP (2022) 03, 047
H. Koo, R. E. Keeley, Arman Shafieloo*, B. L'Huillier
2 Out of One, Many: Distinguishing Time Delays from Lensed Supernovae MNRAS (2022) 511 1210
Mikhail Denissenya, Satadru Bag, Alex G. Kim, Eric V. Linder, Arman Shafieloo
1 STag: Supernova Tagging and Classification ApJ (2022) 925 186
Will Davison, David Parkinson*, Brad E. Tucker

Journal Publications 2021

Title Journal Authors
29 Weak-lensing Mass Reconstruction of Galaxy Clusters with Convolutional Neural Network ApJ (2021) 923 266
S.E. Hong , S. Park, J.M. Jee, D. Bak, S. Cha
28 Phantom braneworld and the Hubble tension ApJ 923 (2021) 212
Satadru Bag*, Varun Sahni, Arman Shafieloo, Yuri Shtanov
27 Inflation Story: slow-roll and beyond JCAP 12 (2021) 038
D. K. Hazra, D. Paoletti, I. Debono, A. Shafieloo, G. F. Smoot, A. A. Starobinsky
26 Proposal of Joint Planning Working Group for Development of Korean Space Telescopes J. Space Technol. Appl. 2021; 1(3):283-301 Jeong-Yeol Han et al. (15 in total, including Sungwook E. Hong)
25 Cosmic Flow Measurement and Mock Sampling Algorithm of Cosmicflows-4 Tully-Fisher Catalogue ApJ 922 (2021), 59
F. Qin*, D. Parkinson, C. Howlett, K. Said
24 The Kaiser-Rocket effect: three decades and counting JCAP 11 (2021) 027
B. Bahr-Kalus*, D. Bertacca, L. Verde, A. Heavens
23 Panspermia in a Milky Way-like Galaxy ApJ 921 (2021), 127
R. Gobat, S.E. Hong*, O. Snaith, S. Hong
22 Toward a more stringent test of gravity with redshift space power spectrum: simultaneous probe of growth and amplitude of large-scale structure PRD 104, 043528 (2021)
Y.S. Song , Y. Zheng, A. Taruya
21 Gaussianization of peculiar velocities and bulk flow measurement RAA 21 (2021) 10, 242
Fei Qin*
20 Generalized Emergent Dark Energy Model and the Hubble Constant Tension Phys. Rev. D 104, (2021) 063521
W. Yang, E. Di Valentino, S. Pan, A. Shafieloo, X. Li
19 Hubble diagram at higher redshifts: Model independent calibration of quasars MNRAS, 507 (2021) 919–926
X. Li, R.E. Keeley, A. Shafieloo*, X. Zheng, S. Cao, M. Biesiada, Z.H. Zhu
18 The Evolutionary Map of the Universe Pilot Survey PASA 38 (2021) e046
R. Norris et al. (including David Parkinson)
17 Cosmology Intertwined IV: The Age of the Universe and its Curvature Astropart. Phys. 131, 102607 (2021)
E. D. Valentino, et al. (incl. A. Shafieloo)
16 Cosmology Intertwined III: fσ8 and S8 Astropart. Phys. 131, 102604 (2021)
E. D. Valentino, et al. (incl. A. Shafieloo)
15 Cosmology Intertwined II: The Hubble Constant Tension Astropart. Phys. 131, 102605 (2021)
E. D. Valentino, et al. (incl. A. Shafieloo)
14 Cosmology Intertwined I: Perspectives for the Next Decade Astropart. Phys. 131, 102606 (2021)
E. D. Valentino, et al. (incl. A. Shafieloo)
13 Future Radio Continuum Cosmology Clustering Surveys MNRAS 506, (2021) 1421-1430
Jacobo Asorey and David Parkinson*
12 Dark Energy as a Critical Phenomenon: a Resolution for Hubble Tension JCAP 06 (2021) 003
A. Banihashemi, N. Khosravi, A. Shafieloo
11 Revealing the Local Cosmic Web from Galaxies by Deep Learning ApJ 913 (2021) 1, 76
Sungwook E. Hong*, Donghui Jeong, Ho Seong Hwang, Juhan Kim
10 The Completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: a multi-tracer analysis in Fourier space for measuring the cosmic structure growth and expansion rate MNRAS 504, (2021) 33–52
G. B. Zhao, et al. (incl. A. Shafieloo)
9 The Completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Cosmological Implications from two Decades of Spectroscopic Surveys at the Apache Point observatory Phys. Rev. D 103 (2021) 083533
S. Alam, et al. (incl. A. Shafieloo)
8 Be It Unresolved: Measuring Time Delays from Lensed Supernovae ApJ 910 (2021) 65
Satadru Bag, Alex G. Kim, Eric V. Linder, Arman Shafieloo*
7 Hints for possible low redshift oscillation around the best-fitting ΛCDM model in the expansion history of the Universe MNRAS 501 (2021), 3, 3421-3426
L. Kazantzidis, H. Koo*, S. Nesseris, L. Perivolaropoulos, A. Shafieloo
6 Reconstructing the Universe: Testing the Mutual Consistency of the Pantheon and SDSS/eBOSS BAO Data Sets with Gaussian Processes AJ 161 (2021), 3, 151
R.E. Keeley, A. Shafieloo*,G.-B. Zhao, J.A. Vazquez, H. Koo
5 The Horizon Run 5 Cosmological Hydrodynamical Simulation: Probing Galaxy Formation from Kilo- to Gigaparsec Scales ApJ 908 (2021), 1, 11
J. Lee, J. Shin, et al. (incl. S.E. Hong)
4 Cosmological Parameter Estimation from the Two-dimensional Genus Topology—Measuring the Expansion History Using the Genus Amplitude as a Standard Ruler ApJ 907 (2021), 2, 75
S. Appleby, C. Park, S.E. Hong, H.S. Hwang, J. Kim, M. Tonegawa
3 KiDS-1000 Cosmology: Multi-probe weak gravitational lensing and spectroscopic galaxy clustering constraints A&A 646 (2021), A140
C. Heymans, et al. (incl. D. Parkinson)
2 Cosmology with the Einstein Telescope: No Slip Gravity Model and Redshift Specifications MNRAS 502 (2021), 4, 5563-5575
A. Mitra, J. Mifsud, D. F. Mota, D. Parkinson
1 Model Selection and Parameter Estimation Using the Iterative Smoothing Method JCAP 03 (2021) 034
H. Koo, A. Shafieloo*, R. E. Keeley, B. L'Huillier

Journal Publications 2020

Title Journal Authors
33 First Cosmology Results Using Type Ia Supernovae From the Dark Energy Survey: Survey Overview and Supernova Spectroscopy AJ (2020) 160, 267
M. Smith et al. (incl J. Asorey)
32 The clustering of the SDSS-IV extended baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey DR16 luminous red galaxy and emission-line galaxy samples: cosmic distance and structure growth measurements using multiple tracers in configuration space MNRAS 498 (2020), 3, 3470-3483 [2007.09010] Y. Wang, et al. (incl. A. Shafieloo)
31 The clustering of LRGs in the DECaLS DR8 footprint: distance constraints from baryon acoustic oscillations using photometric redshifts ApJ 904 (2020), 1 [2005.13126] S. Sridhar et al. (incl.) Y.S. Song
30 Testing the violation of the equivalence principle in the electromagnetic sector and its consequences in f(T) gravity JCAP 11 (2020) 047 [2005.05368] J. Said, J. Mifsud, D. Parkinson, E. Saridakis, J. Sultana, K. Adami
29 Endowing Λ with a dynamic nature: Constraints in a spatially curved universe PRD 102 (2020), 2 [1812.02790] C. Farrugia, J. Sultana, J. Mifsud
28 Second-order effective energy-momentum tensor of gravitational scalar perturbations with perfect fluid PRD 102 (2020), 4 [2003.12279] I. Cho, J-O. Gong, S.H. Oh
27 HIR4: Cosmological signatures imprinted on the cross correlation between 21cm map and galaxy clustering MNRAS 499 (2020), 4, 4613-4625 [2006.01407] F. Shi, Y.S. Song, J. Asorey, D. Parkinson, K. Ahn, J. Yao, L. Zhang, S. Zuo
26 Testing gravity using galaxy-galaxy lensing and clustering amplitudes in KiDS-1000, BOSS and 2dFLenS A&A 642 (2020) [2005.14351] C. Blake et al. (incl.) D. Parkinson
25 Inflation Wars: A New Hope JCAP 09 (2020) 055 [2006.12710] R. Keeley, A. Shafieloo, D. Hazra, T. Souradeep
24 Strong constraints on thermal relic dark matter from Fermi-LAT observations of the Galactic Center PRD 102 (2020), 4 [2003.10416] K. Abazajian, S. Horiuchi, M. Kaplinghat, R. E. Keeley*, O. Macias
23 Discovery of a Radio Relic in the Massive Merging Cluster SPT-CL 2023-5535 from THE ASKAP-EMU PILOT SURVEY ApJ 900 (2020), 2 [2007.08244] H. Kim et al. (incl. D. Parkinson)
22 Effective Field Theory of Anisotropic Inflation and Beyond JCAP 08 (2020) 027 [1910.11533] J-O. Gong T. Noumi, G. Shiu, J. Soda, K. Takahashi, M. Yamaguchi
21 Constraining Cosmology with Big Data Statistics of Cosmological Graphs MNRAS 493 (2020), 4, 5972-5986 [1903.07626] S. Hong et al. (incl. H. Hwang)
20 Cosmological Parameter Estimation from the Two-dimensional Genus Topology: Measuring the Shape of the Matter Power Spectrum APJ 896 (2020), 2 [2004.01424] S. Appleby, C. Park, H. Park, S. Hong, H. Hwang, J. Kim
19 Cosmological Information from the Small-scale Redshift-space Distortion APJ 897 (2020), 1 [2005.12159] M. Tonegawa, C. Park, Y. Zheng, H. Park, S. Hong, H. Hwang, J. Kim
18 Constraints on features in the inflationary potential from future Euclid data MNRAS 496 (2020), 3, 3448-3468 [2003.05262] I. Debono, D. Hazra, A. Shafieloo, G. Smoot, A. Starobinsky
17 Using variability and VLBI to measure cosmological distances MNRAS 495 (2020), 1, L27-L31 [2003.10278] J. Hodgson, B. L'Huillier, I. Liodakis, S. Lee, A. Shafieloo
16 Parametrising non-linear dark energy perturbations JCAP 04 (2020) 039 [1910.01105] Farbod Hassani, Benjamin L'Huillier, Arman Shafieloo, Martin Kunz, Julian Adamek
15 Reconciling H0 tension in a six parameter space? JCAP 06 (2020) 062 [1907.12551] Supriya Pan, Weiqiang Yang, Eleonora Di Valentino, Arman Shafieloo, Subenoy Chakraborty
14 Impact of bias and redshift-space modelling for the halo power spectrum: Testing the effective field theory of large-scale structure JCAP, 07, 011 (2020) [1805.12394] Lucía Fonseca de la Bella, Donough Regan, David Seery, David Parkinson
13 Model-independent constraints on Type Ia supernova light-curve hyper-parameters and reconstructions of the expansion history of the Universe ApJ 899 (2020), 9 [2001.10887] H. Koo, A. Shafieloo*, R. E. Keeley, B. L'Huillier
12 Determining H0 Model-Independently and Consistency Tests APJL 895 (2020), 2 [2002.10605] K. Liao, A. Shafieloo, R. E. Keeley, E. Linder
11 OzDES multi-object fibre spectroscopy for the Dark Energy Survey: Results and second data release MNRAS (2020)[2006.00449] C. Lidman et al. (incl.) D. Parkinson
10 HIR4: cosmology from a simulated neutral hydrogen full sky using Horizon Run 4 MNRAS (2020)[2001.00833] J. Asorey, D. Parkinson, F. Shi, Y.-S. Song, K. Ahn, J. Kim, J. Yao, L. Zhang, S. Zuo
9 The SPTpol Extended Cluster Survey ApJS, 247, 1, id.25 (2020)[1910.04121] L. E. Bleem et al., (incl. D. Parkinson)
8 Defying the laws of Gravity I: Model-independent reconstruction of the Universe expansion from growth data MNRAS (2020)[1906.05991] Benjamin L'Huillier, Arman Shafieloo, David Polarski, Alexei A. Starobinsky
7 Will Gravitational Wave Sirens Determine the Hubble Constant? JCAP, 03, 019 (2020) [1812.07775] A. Shafieloo, R. E. Keeley, E. V. Linder
6 Quantum nature of Wigner function for inflationary tensor perturbations JHEP03 060 (2020) [2002.01064] Jinn-Ouk Gong and Min-Seok Seo
5 Cosmology with Phase 1 of the Square Kilometre Array; Red Book 2018: Technical specifications and performance forecasts PASA 37, e007 (2020) [1811.02743] Square Kilometre Array Cosmology Science Working Group: Bacon et al. (incl. D. Parkinson)
4 Debiasing Cosmic Gravitational Wave Sirens MNRAS, 491, 3983 (2020) [1905.10216] Ryan E. Keeley, Arman Shafieloo, Benjamin L'Huillier, Eric V. Linder
3 Quasar Accretion Disk Sizes from Continuum Reverberation Mapping in the DES Standard Star Fields ApJS, 246, id. 16 (2020) [1811.03638] Z. Yu et al. (incl J. Asorey 13/75)
2 Fundamental Physics with the Square Kilometer Array PASA, 37, E002 (2020) [1810.02680] A. Weltman et al. (incl. David Parkinson)
1 Developing a unified pipeline for large-scale structure dataanalysis with angular power spectra – II. A case study formagnification bias and radio continuum surveys MNRAS, 491, 4869–4883 (2020) [1909.10539] K. Tanidis, S. Camera, D. Parkinson

Journal Publications 2019

Title Journal Authors
21 Implications of a transition in the dark energy equation of state for the H0 and σ8 tensions JCAP, 12, 035 (2019) [1905.10198] R. E. Keeley, S. Joudaki, M. Kaplinghat, D. Kirkby
20 A Model-independent Determination of the Hubble Constant from Lensed Quasars and Supernovae Using Gaussian Process Regression ApJ Letters, 886, (2019) [1908.04967] K. Liao, A. Shafieloo, R. E. Keeley, E. V. Linder
19 Revisiting Metastable Dark Energy and Tensions in the Estimation of Cosmological Parameters ApJ, 887, id. 153 (2019) [1904.03790] X. Li, A. Shafieloo, V. Sahni, A. A. Starobinsky
18 DASH: Deep Learning for the Automated Spectral Classification of Supernovae and their Hosts ApJ, 885, 85 (2019) [1903.02557] D. Muthukrishna, D. Parkinson, B. Tucker
17 A Simple Phenomenological Emergent Dark Energy Model can Resolve the Hubble Tension ApJ Letters, 883, 1 (2019) [1906.08275] X. Li, A. Shafieloo
16 Parameter discordance in Planck CMB and low-redshift measurements: projection in the primordial power spectrum JCAP, 04, 036 (2019) [1810.08101] D. K. Hazra, A. Shafieloo, and T. Souradeep
15 Update on Testing the Isotropy of the Properties of Gamma-Ray Bursts MNRAS, 486, 3027-3040 (2019) [1809.03973] J. Ripa, A. Shafieloo
14 The clustering of the SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey DR14 quasar sample: a tomographic measurement of cosmic structure growth and expansion rate based on optimal redshift weights MNRAS, 482, 3497-3513 (2019) [1801.03043] G. B. Zhao, et al (incl. A. Shafieloo 29/31)
13 Abundance of primordial black holes with local non-Gaussianity in peak theory JCAP09 (2019) 033 [1906.06790] Chul-Moon Yoo, Jinn-Ouk Gong, Shuichiro Yokoyama
12 Identifying complex sources in large astronomical data using a coarse-grained complexity measure PASP, 131, 108007 (2019) [1805.10718] Gary Segal, David Parkinson, Ray P. Norris, Jesse Swan
11 Cosmic distance determination from photometric redshift samples using BAO peaks only MNRAS, 488, 295 (2019) [1903.09651] S. Sridhar, Y-S. Song
10 CIV Black Hole Mass Measurements with the Australian Dark Energy Survey (OzDES) MNRAS, 487, 3650 (2019)[1902.04206] J. K. Hoormann et al. (incl J. Asorey 12/69)
9 Superluminous Supernovae from the Dark Energy Survey MNRAS, 487, 2215 (2019) [1812.04071] C. R. Angus et al. (incl J. Asorey 11/75)
8 Cosmological Constraints from Multiple Probes in the Dark Energy Survey Phys. Rev. Lett., 122, Issue 17, id. 171301 (2019) [1811.02375] DES Collaboration, T. M.C. Abbott et al. (J. Asorey 7/163 )
7 Quantum non-linear evolution of inflationary tensor perturbations JHEP05 (2019) 021 [1903.12295] (J.-O. Gong & M.-S. Seo)
6 First Cosmological Results using Type Ia Supernovae from the Dark Energy Survey: Measurement of the Hubble Constant MNRAS, 486, 2184 [1811.02376] E. Macaulay et al. (J. Asorey 22/109)
5 First Cosmology Results Using Type Ia Supernovae From the Dark Energy Survey: Analysis, Systematic Uncertainties, and Validation ApJ 874, 150 (2019)[1811.02377] D. Brout et al. (J. Asorey 19/115)
4 Model Independent Expansion History from Supernovae: Cosmology vs Systematics MNRAS 485, 2783 (2019) [1812.03623] B. L’Huillier, A. Shafieloo, E. V. Linder, A. G. Kim
3 First Cosmology Results using Type Ia Supernovae from the Dark Energy Survey: Constraints on Cosmological Parameters ApJL 872, L30 (2019) [1811.02374] DES Collaboration, T. M.C. Abbott et al. (J. Asorey 5/144)
2 First Cosmology Results using Type Ia Supernova from the Dark Energy Survey: Simulations to Correct Supernova Distance Biases MNRAS 485,1171 (2019) [1811.02379] R. Kessler et al. (J. Asorey 17/107)
1 Probing ΛCDM cosmology with the Evolutionary Map of the Universe survey JCAP 02(2019)030 [1810.06672] José Luis Bernal, Alvise Raccanelli, Ely D. Kovetz, David Parkinson, Ray P. Norris, George Danforth, Courtney Schmitt

Journal Publications 2018

Title Journal Authors
16 Distribution of primordial black holes and 21cm signature JCAP 1811(2018)041 Jinn-Ouk Gong, Naoya Kitajima
15 A minimal model of inflation Chin. Phys. C42(2018)095102 Jinn-Ouk Gong, Seong Chan Park
14 Hybrid modeling of redshift space distortions JCAP07(2018)018 [1801.04950] Yong-Seon Song, Yi Zheng, Atsushi Taruya, Minji Oh
13 Falsifying $\Lambda$CDM: Model-independent tests of the concordance model with eBOSS DR14Q and Pantheon PRD 98, 083526 (2018) [1804.04320] Arman Shafieloo, Benjamin L'Huillier, Alexei A. Starobinsky
12 KiDS+2dFLenS+GAMA: testing the cosmological model with the EG statistic MNRAS 479, 3422 (2018) [1711.10999] A. Amon et al. (D. Parkinson 19/21)
11 Photometric redshifts for the Kilo-Degree Survey. Machine-learning analysis with artificial neural networks A&A 616, A69 (2018) [1709.04205] M. Bilicki et al. (D. Parkinson 24/27)
10 Probing features in the primordial perturbation spectrum with large-scale structure data MNRAS 477, 2503 (2018) [1710.10987] Benjamin L'Huillier, Arman Shafieloo, Dhiraj Kumar Hazra, George F. Smoot, Alexei A. Starobinsky
9 Cylinders out of a top hat: counts-in-cells for projected densities MNRAS 477, 2772 (2018) [1711.04767] Cora Uhlemann, Christophe Pichon, Sandrine Codis, Benjamin L'Huillier, Juhan Kim, Francis Bernardeau, Changbom Park, Simon Prunet
8 The clustering of the SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey DR14 quasar sample: Anisotropic Baryon Acoustic Oscillations measurements in Fourier-space with optimal redshift weights MNRAS 477, 1528(2018) [1801.03077] Dandan Wang et al. (A. Shafieloo 22/22)
7 Model-independent cosmological constraints from growth and expansion MNRAS 476, 3263 (2018) [1712.04865] Benjamin L'Huillier, Arman Shafieloo, Hyungjin Kim
6 Testing statistical isotropy in cosmic microwave background polarization maps MNRAS 475, 4357 (2018) P. K. Rath, P. K. Samal, S. Panda, D. D. Mishra, P. K. Aluri
5 Cosmological Constraints from the Redshift Dependence of the Alcock─Paczynski Effect: Dynamical Dark Energy ApJ 856, 88 (2018) [1803.01851] Li, Xiao-Dong; Sabiu, Cristiano G.; Park, Changbom; Wang, Yuting; Zhao, Gong-bo; Park, Hyunbae; Shafieloo, Arman; Kim, Juhan; Hong, Sungwook E.
4 Cosmic curvature tested directly from observations JCAP03(2018)041 [1802.04816] Denissenya, Mikhail; Linder, Eric V.; Shafieloo, Arman
3 A question of separation: disentangling tracer bias and gravitational nonlinearity with counts-in-cells statistics MNRAS 473, 5098 (2018) [1705.08901] C. Uhlemann et al [B. L'Huillier (6/12)]
2 Metastable Dark Energy with Radioactive-like Decay MNRAS 473, 2760 (2018) [1610.05192] Arman Shafieloo, Dhiraj Kumar Hazra, Varun Sahni, Alexei A. Starobinsky
1 Probing features in inflaton potential and reionization history with future CMB space observations JCAP02(2018)017 [1710.01205] Dhiraj Kumar Hazra, Daniela Paoletti, Mario Ballardini, Fabio Finelli, Arman Shafieloo, George F. Smoot, Alexei A. Starobinsky

Journal Publications 2017

Title Journal Authors
12 Testing Isotropic Universe Using the Gamma-Ray Burst Data of Fermi / GBM ApJ 851, 15 (2017) [1706.03556] Jakub Ripa, Arman Shafieloo
11 A non-parametric consistency test of the ΛCDM model with Planck CMB data JCAP 09, 021 (2017) [1705.05234] Amir Aghamousa, Jan Hamann, Arman Shafieloo
10 Dynamical dark energy in light of the latest observations Nature Astronomy 1, 627 (2017) [1701.08165] G. Zhao et al [B. L'Huillier (14/25), A. Shafieloo (21/25)]
9 Quantification of the multi-streaming effect in redshift space distortion JCAP 05, 030 (2017) [1611.09075] Yi Zheng, Pengjie Zhang, Minji Oh
8 Dark matter haloes in modified gravity and dark energy: interaction rate, small-, and large-scale alignment MNRAS 468, 3174 (2017) [1703.07357] Benjamin L'Huillier, H. Winther, D. Mota, C. Park, J. Kim
7 The Ecology of dark matter haloes --II. Effects of interactions on the alignment of halo pairs MNRAS 466, 4875 (2017) [1701.04417] Benjamin L'Huillier, C. Park, J. Kim
6 Consistency of the Planck CMB data and LCDM cosmology JCAP 01, 012 (2017) [1610.07402] Arman Shafieloo , Dhiraj Kumar Hazra
5 Growth of perturbations in nonlocal gravity with non-LCDM background Phys. Rev. D 95, 064061 (2017) [1608.02541] Sohyun Park, Arman Shafieloo,
4 Measuring neutrino mass imprinted on the anisotropic galaxy clustering JCAP 04, 20 (2017) [1607.01074] Minji Oh, Yong-Seon Song
3 Beyond Kaiser bias: mildly non-linear two-point statistics of densities in distant spheres MNRAS 406, 2067 (2017) [1607.01026] C. Uhlemann, S. Codis, J. Kim, C. Pichon, F. Bernardeau, D. Pogosyan, C. Park, Benjamin L'Huillier
2 Time Delay Analysis of the Lensed Quasar SDSS J1001+5027 ApJ 834, 31 (2017) [1603.06331] Amir Aghamousa, Arman Shafieloo,
1 Model-independent test of the FLRW metric, the flatness of the Universe, and non-local measurement of H0 rd JCAP 01, 015 (2017) [1606.06832] Benjamin L'Huillier & Arman Shafieloo

Journal Publications 2016

Title Journal Authors
11 Cosmological constraints from the redshift dependence of the Alcock-Paczynski test: application to the SDSS-III BOSS DR12 galaxies ApJ 832, 103 (2016) [1609.05476] Xiao-Dong Li, Changbom Park, Cristiano G. Sabiu, Hyunbae Park, David H. Weinberg, Donald P. Schneider, Juhan Kim, and Sungwook E. Hong
10 Massive Photon and Dark Energy Phys. Rev. D 93, 083012 (2016) Seyen Kouwn , Phillial Oh, Chan-Gyung Park
9 Classically Scale Invariant Inflation, Supermassive WIMPs, and Adimensional Gravity Phys. Rev. D 93, 063528 (2016) Arsham Farzinnia, Seyen Kouwn
8 Primordial features and Planck polarization JCAP 09, 009 (2016) Dhiraj Kumar Hazra, Arman Shafieloo, George F. Smoot, Alexei A. Starobinsky ,
7 Direct search for features in the primordial bispectrum Phys.Lett. B 760 297-301 (2016) Stephen Appleby, Jinn-Ouk Gong, Dhiraj Kumar Hazra, Arman Shafieloo , Spyros Sypsas
6 Probing scalar tensor theories for gravity in Redshift-Space A & A, Vol 592, (2016) Cristiano Sabiu, David F. Mota, Claudio Llinares, Changbom Park,
5 Cosmology from cosmic shear with Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data PRD, Vol 94, Issue 2, (2016) T. Abbott et. al [Cristiano Sabiu 104/127]
4 Cosmic Shear Measurements with DES Science Verification Data PRD, Vol 94, Issue 2, (2016) M. R. Becker et. al. [Cristiano Sabiu 30/100]
3 Large scale distribution of total mass versus luminous matter from Baryon Acoustic Oscillations Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, Issue 20, (2016) M. T Soumagnac, R. Barkana, Cristiano Sabiu, Avi Loeb, A. J. Ross, F. B. Abdalla, S. T. Balan, O. Lahav
2 Study on the mapping of dark matter clustering from real space to redshift space JCAP 08, 050 (2016) Yi Zheng, Yong-Seon Song
1 Quantum Scalar Corrections to the Gravitational Potentials on de Sitter Background JHEP 01, 074 (2016) Sohyun Park, Tomislav Prokopec, R. P. Woodard

Journal Publications 2015

Title Journal Authors
19 Isocurvature Perturbation of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles and Small Scale Structure Phys. Rev. Lett. 155, 211302 (2015) Ki-Young Choi, Jinn-Ouk Gong, Chang Sub Shin
18 Search for a direction in the forest of Lyman-$α$ JCAP 11, 012 (2015) Dhiraj Kumar Hazra, Arman Shafieloo*
17 Primordial perturbations from dilaton-induced gauge fields JCAP 10, 046 (2015) Kiwoon Choi, Ki-Young Choi, Hyungjin Kim, Chang Sub Shin
16 Consistent Modified Gravity Analysis of Anisotropic Galaxy Clustering Using BOSS DR11 Phys. Rev. D 92, 043522 (2015) Yong-Seon Song, Atsushi Taruya, Eric Linder, Kazuya Koyama, Cristiano G. Sabiu, Gong-Bo Zhao, Francis Bernardeau, Takahiro Nishimichi, Teppei Okumura
15 Cosmological constraints from the redshift dependence of the Alcock-Paczynski test and volume effect: galaxy two-point correlation function MNRAS 450, 807 (2015) Xiao-Dong Li, Changbom Park, Cristiano Sabiu*, Juhan Kim
14 Nonparametric test of consistency between cosmological models and multiband CMB measurements JCAP 06, 003 (2015) Amir Aghamousa, Arman Shafieloo*
13 Cosmology with anisotropic galaxy clustering from the combination of power spectrum and bispectrum JCAP 08, 007 (2015) Yong-Seon Song, Atsushi Taruya, Akira Oka
12 Star/galaxy separation at faint magnitudes: application to a simulated Dark Energy Survey MNRAS 450, 666 (2015) M. T. Soumagnac et. al. [Cristiano Sabiu 17/20]
11 A Measurement of Gravitational Lensing of the Cosmic Microwave Background by Galaxy Clusters Using Data from the South Pole Telescope ApJ, 806, 247 (2015) E. J. Baxter et al. [Jeeseon Song 62/75]
10 Unveiling acoustic physics of the CMB using nonparametric estimation of the temperature angular power spectrum for Planck JCAP 02, 007 (2015) Amir Aghamousa, Arman Shafieloo*, Mihir Arjunwadkar, Tarun Souradeep
9 Perspective on completing natural inflation Front. Phys. 2, 83 (2015) Ki-Young Choi , Jihn E. Kim, Bumseok Kyae
8 Large Scale Suppression of Scalar Power on a Spatial Condensation Phys. Rev. D 91, 063521 (2015) Seyen Kouwn, O-Kab Kwon, Phillial Oh
7 Probing bulk flow with nearby SNe Ia data ApJ 801, 2, 76 (2015) Stephen Appleby, Arman Shafieloo*, Andrew Johnson
6 Fast and Reliable Time Delay Estimation of Strong Lens Systems Using Method of Smoothing and Cross-Correlation ApJ 804, 1, 39 (2015) Amir Aghamousa, Arman Shafieloo*
5 Determination of the large scale volume weighted halo velocity bias in simulations Phys. Rev. D 91, 123512 (2015) Yi Zheng, Pengjie Zhang, Yipeng Jing
4 Sampling Artifact in Volume Weighted Velocity Measurement. II. Detection in simulations and comparison with theoretical modelling Phys. Rev. D 91, 043523 (2015) Yi Zheng, Pengjie Zhang, Yipeng Jing
3 X-ray cavities in a sample of 83 SPT-selected clusters of galaxies: Tracing the evolution of AGN feedback in clusters of galaxies out to z=1.2 ApJ, 805, 1 (2015) J. Hlavacek-Larrondo et al. [Jeeseon Song 17/20]
2 Galaxy Clusters Discovered via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect in the 2500-square-degree SPT-SZ survey ApJS, 216, 27 (2015) L. E. Bleem et al. [Jeeseon Song 62/74]
1 Dark matter production in the early Universe: beyond the thermal WIMP paradigm Phys. Rep. 555, 1 (2015) Howard Baer, Ki-Young Choi, Jihn E. Kim, Leszek Roszkowski
[* indicates corresponding author]