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Phenomenology of Dark Energy Models beyond Lambda
Rodrigo Calderon KASI (Korea)
Addressing the Universe’s late-time accelerated stage of expansion is a major challenge for fundamental physics. Current observations suggest Dark Energy (DE) is in the form of a cosmological constant in the Einstein field equations. However, the Lambda+Cold Dark Matter (LCDM) model is known to suffer from various theoretical and observational issues. In this talk, I will give some motivation to look for alternative dark energy models to explain cosmic acceleration and introduce some phenomenological tools to efficiently distinguish DE and modified gravity models from the cosmological constant and/or General Relativity. I will also show the future (stage-IV) surveys’ potential to detect deviations from LCDM, when relying on “non-parametric” techniques to simultaneously reconstruct the growth and expansion histories. Finally, I will comment on the consequences of incorrectly assuming LCDM on the inference of cosmological parameters with upcoming data.
Date and Time
October 13 2022 TBA KST (= TBA UTC) Zoom link (active once the seminar starts)