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A closer look at the destruction of satellites around the Milky Way
Andrew Graus University of Texas at Austin (USA)
Recent hydrodynamics simulations of Milky Way-like galaxies have revealed that the baryonic disk of the Milky Way aids in disrupting satellites, causing a deficit of subhalos relative to dark matter only simulations. This has implications for several proposed methods to study small dark matter halos, including subhalo lensing and gaps in globular cluster stellar streams. We discuss a suite of 12 dark matter only simulations of Milky Way-like halos with a disk placed by hand in order to capture the effect of the disk on the subhalo populations. We recover the disruption seen in fully hydrodynamics simulations at a fraction of the computational cost, and look in depth at the destruction of satellites as they are accreted onto the main halo. We will then discuss an application of this suite of simulations helping to understand the formation of ultrafaint dwarf galaxies at high redshift.
Date and Time
July 8 2021 10am KST (= 1am UTC)
Link to the recording on Youtube